Today’s teaching problems & my suggestions:
1) Make writing tasks relevant
One of the big problems we face as teachers is that while students often write quite a lot in their daily lives: text messages, emails, comments on social networks etc, they don’t engage in the type of writing tasks that we usually set them in class. So, if you can, try to make some at least of your writing tasks reflect t
he type of writing they do.
Here are some ideas:
– a writing lesson based on texting http:// lesson-plans/texting
– a blog post on ways of using Facebook in the classroom 02/07/ ihportugal-training-day-fac ebook-in-the-classroom/ #wpl-likebox
– 28 creative ideas for teaching with twitter mindshift/2011/07/ 28-creative-ideas-for-teach ing-with-twitter/
– using Fakebook with students http:// resources/ToolsResources/ tooloct2012.aspx
2) Get students into the right frame of mind
Our students aren’t used to taking time to do things, especially writing, they expect to get things done fast. So when setting them a more traditional writing task – the sort they will have to face in exams – you need to lead them by the hand through each of the processes, making sure they understand – and take to heart – what each of them entails.
Here are some useful links:
– Writing - Part 1: Brainstorming http:// premierskills.britishcounci classroom-resources/ activities/content/ writing-part-1-brainstormin g
– Writing - Part 2: Organising ideas
– Writing - Part 3: Supporting writing
– Writing - Part 4: Drafting and redrafting
– Writing - Speed Writing
3) Make assessment part of the process
Our assessment criteria or rubrics need to act as a guide for students: helping them to prepare and carry out the writing task. Go through your assessment criteria with your students. Give them examples of writing that will receive good or bad marks and explain why this is.
– Here’s an example of the IELTS writing assessment criteria which you can adapt for your classes UOBDs_WritingT2.pdf
– If you’d like to create your own rubrics, try this great tool: Rubistar http://
Has anyone else got any tips or suggestions you can add?
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